With the domestic football season coming to a dramatic close in most
European countries (such as Moneybags City looking set to win their first title
and the Juve-mafia taking the Italian crown) there’s normally not much to look
forward to over the summer. Maybe the odd friendly cup tournament, but that’s
about it. Thankfully, every two years
there is an international tournament. The World Cup or The European
Championships. This year, we luckily have the Euros, being held in the
wonderful countries of the Ukraine and Poland. Of course, this is a joyous time
for us fans, as it continues the football season far into our summer holidays.
On the other hand, share a thought for those poor people in the world, who at
this time of year are stressed, anxious and are as near to a mental breakdown
as Charlie Sheen is everyday of his life. That’s right, I’m talking about the
managers. Roy Hodgson, Giovanni Trapattoni, Joachim Löw
etc. Each one of these men has been
charged by their country to win the Euros. But just how do they do that? Well,
don’t despair managers of Europe, I have come up with 10 fool -proof ways to
ensure Euro 2012 victory.
10. Plan Well in

may sound like common sense, but believe it or not many managers and football
associations overlook this. The planning for the Euros doesn’t start as the
season ends. Oh no. It starts the minute the team qualifies, back in October.
Don’t be a fool and wait until you are on the plane to the Ukraine when you
decide what formations you’re going to play or who’s going to play where. Lets’
face it; you probably aren’t as gifted or as talented as “the special one”, so
this approach most definitely wont work. The planning doesn’t just fall down to
the managers; their football associations have to do their fair share of the
work too. Basically, what I’m trying to get at here is if you decide on your
manager a couple of months before the Euros, things most probably wont go too
well for you. Look at the likes of Germany and Spain, whose manager’s have been
in place for what seems like 4534 years. Perfection takes time, so the planning
is vitally important. If you’re still not convinced about planning well in advance,
just look at Capello’s team selection the day of the World Cup matches in 2010.
I’m sure you don’t want that kind of problems whilst you’re trying to win the
Euros, so plan, plan plan!
9. Total Football

Total football is a simple yet effective way of dominating the
opposition whilst still retaining your shape and discipline. It’s important not
to get total football confused with the Barcelona style of “tiki-taka” – total
football means that every player can play in every position with the exception
of the goalkeeper. Although, if you are manager of England, keep in mind Joe
Hart’s last gasp header against Sporting Lisbon in the Europa League, it could
come in handy in some games. Back to total football, and I hear you may be
asking why this would win you the Euros. It requires enormous technical ability
from each player, so having dead wood in your team is a no-no. Also, you may
find that you have a hidden gem on your team, who may be far more comfortable
playing in midfield than attack, or vise-versa. You never know, your 3rd
choice goalkeeper may become the top goal-scorer at this year’s Euros as a
result of total football. Obviously, as a result of the immense technical
demand on your players as a result of total football, you may need to start at
this year’s Euros and continue it on until the next one for it to become
effective. Once again, it may take time, but just take a look at that nerdy
girl that used to sit next to you in History. Back then she was an ugly,
acne-infested nerd, and now she’s a supermodel. Good things do take time.
8. Leave the WAGs
at Home
major problem for most guys is the distraction that females cause. It’s not
their fault, how can you help yourself from being distracted when your wife is
a 4-time winner of Miss. World? However, when it comes to a major footballing
tournament such as the Euros, the WAGs have to stay at home. You really don’t
want a fiasco like the 2006 World Cup with England, where the poor performance
was blamed on the WAGs. It really isn’t worth the hassle. Sure the player’s may
miss them. The media will most definitely miss them. You may even miss not
having them to look at, but at the end of the day Mr. Manager, you are there to
win the Euros, not look at supermodels. What does the term ‘WAGs” actually
stand for? Well, cultural analysts from Uzbekistan suggest that it stands for
“Wives Against Goals”, purely because if your star striker spots his supermodel
girlfriend in the stand, he most definitely wont be aiming at the goal.
7. Get the
Country Behind You

mood in your country before a major tournament is one of the most important
things to sort out before you get on the plane. Your country needs to be
excited, optimistic and 110% behind your boys for you to have any chance of
doing well at the Euros. How are you going to do this? Well, getting on the
good side of the media is probably the most vital thing you can do. The media
controls public opinion. If the media says Britney Spears is a coke addict,
then she’s a coke addict. If the media say that Ched Evans should never play
football again, then he should never play football again. If the media say that
you are the greatest thing since slice bread, then the public will think that. Also,
the amount of fans you have out there following you will greatly affect the
morale of your team. If you are manager of, let’s say Ireland, and your players
walk out into a sea of green in their first game, their morale will be sky
high, and they may go out there and demolish whoever it is they are
playing. Just make sure that’s in a
footballing sense, we don’t want any nasty incidents occurring.
6. Do a “Suarez”
we go any further, no, do not be racist. What I mean, rather, is make your
players so patriotic that they will do anything to win. You need to ensure that
your players will put their bodies on the line in order for you to win, they
need to take the ball in the head, neck or chest. Of course the Suarez incident
in the 2010 World Cup can be seen as cheating, but he is a hero in his country
as a result of it. Wouldn’t you like you or your players to be remembered in
folklore for the next millennia? The players in your squad have to be so
patriotic that they will kiss that badge before they go to bed every night,
otherwise they wont be able to sleep.
Players like Saurez win tournaments, not just for their footballing
skills, but also for their risk taking and their will to do anything to win.
5. Don’t do a
Moving on from being a living legend, we get to a “what not to do”
at the Euros. Let’s state the obvious. Don’t get sent off. Don’t get banned for
the final. What else? Oh, that’s right, don’t head-butt the opposition in the
most important game your country has ever been involved in. This would be possibly the most stupid and
foolish thing anyone has ever done, apart from Ashley Cole cheating on Cheryl.
Now that was crazy. But back to the point, getting sent off in the European
Championship finals would put your country in the worst possible position, 11
vs 10. In a game where one goal is easily enough to win, you need all eleven
men on the pitch in order to achieve your ultimate goal, which isn’t
head-butting your opposite number amazingly enough. By all means, be the
football side of Zidane, but for god’s sakes don’t viciously assault the man
that’s marking you!
4. Have a
Delicate Mix Between Youth and Experience

once said “You don’t win anything with youngsters”, and although not ultimately
true you do need some experience mixed in with youngsters. Just like when you
are making a cake, you need to mix the ingredients thoroughly. Now I may sound
a bit like Gordon Ramsey, but my point is simple. The experienced players, the
ones who have been there before, will know how to handle themselves at a major
tournament. For the youngsters, this may be their first ever major tournament,
and for some of them it may be their first ever time away from their mothers
and fathers, and so they will need a father figure there to guide them. Just
make sure they’re all CRB checked, just to be on the safe side. On the football
pitch, this mix will pay off, as you will have the flair of the youngsters as
well as the cool-heads of the experienced players. Hopefully, this will result
in none of the younger players busting into tears when they miss from 0.34
millimeters out, because let’s face it, its bound to happen at some point.
3. Don’t Concede
Easily said, not so easy to do. This may seem obvious to most
people, but it was always going to figure highly on the list. If you don’t
concede, you don’t lose. Simples, hey? A well drilled defence and an acrobatic
goalkeeper who can spring like a kangaroo will most defiantly help the cause,
but everyone needs to chip in. Think about a house: if the foundations aren’t
correct, it will fall down. If the walls aren’t made properly, it will fall
down. If the roof is top-heavy, it will fall down. The same can be said for
your football team. Defence, midfield and attack all need to defend like the
Brits defended Britain in World War Two in order for you to win a tournament.
Especially tournaments like the Euros, where some of the most formidable
attacks in the world are situated.
2. Score
If you had half a brain cell, you could probably see this one
coming. Not conceding is only half the battle, you need your team to get up the
other end and bang some in. Goals can come from anywhere; a corner, a free kick
or even a goal kick, so if you have selected the right players then you should
find this part easy. If, however, you have selected someone like Emile Heskey,
then you’ve pretty much had it on the goal-scoring front. You need to score
like you’re back in high school and you are at the prom with the girl of your
dreams. Scoring, in my opinion, is the most important thing you can do at Euro
2012. Apart from the crazy goal celebrations, but I’ll leave that up to the
discretion of your players.
1. Be Spain
Finally, we have reached number one of my ’10 Easy Steps to Winning
the Euros” and to be honest there is one sure way to win the European
Championships. Simply be Spain: the reigning champions. Easier said than done
maybe, but at the end of the day Spain have got to be the favourites for the
tournament, and if any one of you want to win the Euros easily, then being
Spain has got to be top of the list. Their passing style of football will pass
the death out of any team it comes up against, meaning that they wont concede
because they will have 99.99% possession. Also, they have the firepower up
front to score bags of goals, with players like Llorente and Torres. The
country is always well behind the football team, and the players put club
differences behind them when they play for Spain. They most definitely have a
mix between youth and experience, and have been there and done it before. Being
Spain is definitely the most easiest and simple way of winning the Euros.
So there we are. Your easy guide to winning the Euros is complete,
and now as I’m sure Mr. Hodgson will be reading this he will get to work
implementing my ideas into the England set-up for the upcoming Euros. I
wouldn’t be surprised if the team had to learn Spanish in a vain attempt at
implementing my number one step. At the end of the day, it will be interesting
to see who does come out on top at this summer’s Euros. I just hope they give
credit where credit is due and state this guide as the obvious reason for their